ALL Of Her


“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

The Three Wins!  What? Why? Who?

What makes YOU happy and excited?

For myself, it’s the journey of being the absolutely best I can be. Mind, Body, and Soul. Waking up 4AM to start my day with a simple stretch.. Motivating friends and strangers to overcome fears and self doubts. Fitness makes me HAPPY.

Photo by @john.foronda

Why does Fitness make me happy?


Preparing for a lifting competition, trying other sports, and learning how to live a healthy life always challenges me physically but more so mentally

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Photo by @charlenestolas


I doubted myself. I always questioned what is my purpose in life . The common outcome is to help others. I just didn’t know exactly how and what. Through the frustrations and set backs I always leaned on physical activity. FITNESS was my solution and strength.

Photo by ChiChai@Empire (Art Of Us)


With Self love I gained CONFIDENCE. Constantly reminding myself I CAN DO ANYTHING. This mindset always helps me achieve the impossible. Fitness made me truly love myself.


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Photo by Ray@Empire


Self love comes with IDENTITY.. WHO AM I?

I AM A ATHLETE who accepts any challenges..


Adapt, Learn, Live.

Welcome to my life! I will be sharing my journey, a Life Athlete. Adaption, learning, and living a healthy lifestyle. Posting monthly intense workouts, learning new things about nutrition , and personal experience.

Follow my lifestyle on IG @aiko.empire/@aikotanzawa 

Showing you ALL of ME.

Til Next Time Fwends